Big Boyz Head Porting  


Inner cam bearings, Whats the difference?

The very first time we go into the cam chest for anything, we replace the inner cam bearings with Torringtons. This is good practice for all L92 and up EVO's and Twin Cams.

The cam bearings shown are inner cam bearings for '99-'06 TC88, except '06 Dyna

The Torrington bearing has 31 captive needle bearings. The cut away drawing shows the basic construction. The red indicates the outer shell and the blue shows the bearing. '99-'06 TC88, except '06 Dyna Torrington PN B-148, TC96 and '06 Dyna Torrington PN B-168.

The INA bearing has 23 loose bearings held in place by a cage. The cut away drawing shows the basic construction. The red indicates the outer shell, the blue shows the bearing and the black shows the cage. Note the cage is the only thing holding the rollers in place. If the cage becomes damaged or wears, there is nothing to hold the bearings in place.

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