Big Boyz Head Porting  


Why advertise with us?

It's simple, The people visiting our website are your target audience in the V-Twin performance market.

Big Boyz Site Network is specifically designed to help V-Twin performance enthusiasts. We offer technical information, helpful calculators, entertainment and our own performance services. One of our primary missions is to help support the V-Twin community. We achieve this by offering free technical help on a variety of V-Twin related internet forums. We also help support these forums with our advertising dollar, this in turn helps increase the traffic on our Site Network.

We went live with our new site on 9/9/07. Since that day you can see the interest generated on the live data charts below. Your ad can be in front of that many potential customers on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. We continually add new tech articles, calculators and other items to keep the interest of our visitors piqued. Again, I feel that is accurately reflected in the data charts below.

Uniques are a standard measure of audience size available from sophisticated analysis tools. Although many tools label them "visitors," uniques technically count the distinct cookies received from or sent to visitors.

A Visit is a session that may consist of one or more page views at a given time. For example, if I view this page and 4 other pages, that is counted as 1 visit. If I come back again later or on another day and view 12 pages, that is another visit.

Page views are the number of pages viewed for a month based on an average for that day. For example, if 1000 pages were viewed today, the monthly average for today would be 30,000.


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