For removing ANY type of powder coating or paint from Aluminum,
Aircraft Remover works exceptionally well.
WARNING don't use near aircraft as it could remove it.
REAL WARNING ** Do Not drip, spill, touch, apply or otherwise get ANY on anything you don't want the paint or powder coating removed from. This is STRONG STUFF. Also Do Not get any on your hands. If you do, you will know in about 5 minutes. The burning sensation lasts about 30 minutes after you wash it off. Don't ask me how I know.
** IT'S WATER SOLUBLE ** Washes away with hot water.
Available at your local auto parts store.
This is the stuff.
Put a small amount in a plastic cup, we use spray paint can caps. Use an acid brush to apply.
New take off head with powder coated combustion chambers. This stuff works even if there is carbon build up. **NOTE** Use an old spark plug so none of the aircraft remover drips to the other side of the head. It will remove the powder coat if it does.
Use the acid brush and apply a heavy coating of aircraft remover.
After just a couple minutes and I mean a couple, the powder coat starts to lift.
After about 5 minutes almost all of the powder coating is bubbled up.
With a small pick I lifted the powder coating from the chamber so you can see how easy it is to peel off.
Nearly all of the powder coating lifted without any effort. Using the pick I lightly scraped the powder coat and then wiped it away with a damp shop rag. Carefull not to touch the shop rag with the aircraft remover to your hands or other painted or powder coated stuff. You can apply more aircraft remover if there are any tough spots but that is usually not needed.
After wiping with a damp shop rag (paper towel).
Pile of powder coat removed from chamber.
Total time start to finish Less than 10 minutes